Only individual areas of a component are plated by by selective technique. This method is used for technical, functional or cost-saving reasons.
Depending on further processing, these particular plated component areas reflect the optimum surface. E.g., tin for solder connections or high conductive, oxide-free precious metals for connectors and functional switch surfaces. Costs are a major concern, especially when plating with precious metals.
All common metal materials can be plated selectively by means of only partial immersion in an electroplating electrolyte.
Because of the high raw material prices for precious metals, selective electroplating can offer the customer a cost saving compared to conventional plating. It allows a reduction of the plating to the essential area according to customer specifications.
Especially in the case of e-mobility parts, which stand out from the usual electrical engineering parts due to their large dimensions and massive cross-sections, the use of an intelligent, selective immersion technology with a high amount of automation can create great advantages. The parts can be completely stamped, bent and then plated in a functionally just and cost-optimised way. Any produced punching scrap is very easy to recycle as it is left unplated. This is where the standards of rack or reel-to-reel electroplating would reach their limits.
Do you need detailed information on selective technique?
Contact us for more information.
Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein
Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0
Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein
Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0