The immersion technique is a proven technique in strip electroplating. We have been using this technique successfully for almost five decades and are constantly developing it further. In this process, the strip is completely immersed in the electrolyte. A further development of this method is the selective immersion plating where the strip is partially plated during the process by means of an immersion depth control.
The immersion technique is the most common technique used for continuous strip finishing and can be applied universally to solid strips, flat or three-dimensionally curved stamped parts. Thus, bushings, pins, crimp parts and other functional areas can be plated with all metal surfaces commonly used in electrical engineering without additional tooling costs. In order to adapt the process to the respective component geometry, various modifications are available with corresponding apertures and injections as well as lateral shielding and anode arrangements.
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No tooling costs are incurred with the immersion technique. The targeted adjustment of the immersion depth (selective immersion technique) makes it possible to save even more on metals and thus costs. This represents the high-end version of immersion plating. This process is used especially for contact bushings and leads to economical use of precious metals.
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75203 Königsbach-Stein
Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0
Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein
Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0