Reel-to-reel Plating

Brush Technique

The brush technique is a well-known and proven process for very precise and cost-saving application on both flat and curved contacts. This technique is particularly well suited for finishing stamped and/or embossed tops and raised areas.

Through a very precise adjustment of the finishing zone, the brush technique provides a much more accurate plating of stamped strips than the belt or wheel technique.

Brush Technique

Areas of application

The pre-stamped strip is guided with the zone to be plated over the brush cloth of the finishing cell. This method allows the precious metal to be applied in a very targeted manner in the functional area of the strip. Different designs of the anode width and shape enable a precisely defined plating profile.


How does Brush Technique work?

How does

Brush Technique work?


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Brush Technique


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Brush Technique


Thanks to the fast set-up times, the brush technique is very cost-effective and flexible to use. No costs are incurred for item-specific tools or for specially designed masking pieces used to provide partial coverage. Since one-sided selective plating is possible, more than 50% of precious metal can be saved compared to the immersion process.

Other techniques

Reel-to-reel plating

Adhesive technique

Spot technique

Strip technique

Immersion technique

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Imo Oberflächentechnik Gmbh

Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein

Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0


IMO Oberflächentechnik Gmbh

Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein

Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0
