Reel-to-reel Plating

Adhesive Technique

 The adhesive technique is a special combination of the strip and immersion technique. It is used to obtain stripes of unplated zones on strips. Here, continuous adhesive stripes with a defined width are applied to the front and/or back of the strip prior to plating. Multi-strip masking is possible with this method. In the area of the adhesive stripe edges, the strips must be unstamped over the entire surface. Electro-plating is then carried out in an immersion process. At the end of the process, the applied adhesive stripes are removed again without leaving any residue.

Adhesive Technique

Areas of application

Especially in the case of tinning strips, we often recommend the adhesive technique, as tin is not particularly well suited to withstand the mechanical stress of other processes. This method is also frequently used for Al-Si roll-clad inserts to protect them from the chemical attack of electrolytes (splashes or similar).


How does Adhesive Technique work?

How does

Adhesive Technique work?


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Adhesive Technique


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Adhesive Technique


No item-specific tooling costs are incurred with the adhesive technique. Since one-sided strip plating is possible, more than 50% of precious metal can be saved compared to the immersion process. The method can be used in two different ways: Masking the part of the product that is not to be plated (left) or, conversely, exposing the part that is to be plated (right).

Other techniques

Reel-to-reel Plating

Brush Technique

Spot technique

Strip technique

Immersion technique

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Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein

Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0


IMO Oberflächentechnik Gmbh

Remchinger Straße 5
75203 Königsbach-Stein

Tel.: +49 7232 3006-0
